Special Preview Walk: The Gore (Hamilton)

Special Preview Walk: The Gore (Hamilton)

Join us 2pm THIS SATURDAY (2 May) for a special “Doors Open” preview walk! [su_box title=”THE GORE” style=”noise” box_color=”#AA0E01″ title_color=”#ffffff”]The heart of Downtown Hamilton, centre of business – and the scene of many an incident that would make Alfred Hitchcock applaud! From cannons to crime families, birds driving folks batty, even the world’s worst case…

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Snow, ice, wind, rain, a little sun, then more of the same! We’ve all had quite enough of this rollercoaster of (mostly) bad weather…it’s time for SPRING! Allegedly, spring started a while ago now, but the only sign has been slightly longer times between sunrise and sunset. The weather has been often so very bleak…