Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Snow, ice, wind, rain, a little sun, then more of the same! We’ve all had quite enough of this rollercoaster of (mostly) bad weather…it’s time for SPRING! Allegedly, spring started a while ago now, but the only sign has been slightly longer times between sunrise and sunset. The weather has been often so very bleak…

Séance & Spirit Guides

Séance & Spirit Guides

It’s time for our annual Day of the Dead event! (presented by The Spiritorium). Thanks to our friends at The Langford Conservancy, once again we will be holding our event at the wonderfully spirited Langford School! Last year at both our Victorian Seance and Paranormal Investigation evenings there were all manner of interesting spirits, EVPs…

Downton, Donwntown

Downton, Donwntown

Try saying that three times fast… Join us in Downtown Hamilton for a taste of Downton Abbey – in the back Garden of the historic Whitehern House, this Sunday from noon to 8pm. Merchants, Music, Fashion Show (7pm w. Blackbird Studios), Food…and a Historical chat with our own Missus Mooney (1pm in the Summer House)!…


Rusty Spring

Well…here it is, a very soggy, damp, middle of April – it even snowed this morning! However, there is life abounding as nature fights back against the strange weather patterns and excessive wet & cold! Buds appearing on trees, birds building nests, flowers poking their heads cautiously above ground…and we are part of nature, so…