Missus Mooney on BlogTalk Radio this Sunday evening

Missus Mooney will be making an appearance.. or perhaps that should say “Will be heard” this Sunday evening on Wicce Women’s radio program. I will be discussing all things macabre as well as the occult in Victorian times. Tune in or call in with your questions or comments.

Show description:

Oh, those Victorians seemingly prim and proper on the outside but full of WILD intrigue on the inside.

The idea of parlour mummy unwrapping, séances, bohemians, gypsies and secret societies. All part of the New Age movement that swept through society.

Victorian Occult seems like a contradictory term today…however the occult movement was alive and thriving all over the country and even into the Colonies. This show will talk about the attraction, the stigma and the at times blatant jabs Victorians took at the church and conformity in society as well as some of it’s most famous progenitors who’s ideas are still with us today.

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