Special Preview Walk: The Gore (Hamilton)

Join us 2pm THIS SATURDAY (2 May) for a special “Doors Open” preview walk!

[su_box title=”THE GORE” style=”noise” box_color=”#AA0E01″ title_color=”#ffffff”]The heart of Downtown Hamilton, centre of business – and the scene of many an incident that would make Alfred Hitchcock applaud! From cannons to crime families, birds driving folks batty, even the world’s worst case of hiccups, this walk will intrigue, amaze and possibly, shock you.


SPECIAL PREVIEW, SAT. 2 MAY, 2PM (regular schedule: Alternate Thursdays at 7:30 pm, starting 21 May)
Start from: Sir John A. MacDonald statue (King St. E. & John St. N.)


  • Adults – $10
  • Children – $5 (ages 6 to 16 & MUST be accompanied by an Adult 18+) Tours are not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Limited to 20 persons, please reserve your space now! Tours require pre-payment to assure your space. We do not issue physical tickets; please keep your receipt as proof of payment (electronic copies are fine). While we may accept exact cash or credit card payments at the tour start, we cannot guarantee your space. No refunds less than 72 hours before a tour. No cash refunds. Tours marked as cancelled will be credited toward a subsequent tour at our discretion.

[su_button url=”https://halfpennydreadfuls.comreservations” style=”noise” background=”#f7000e” icon=”icon: bullseye” text_shadow=”1px 1px 0px #000000″]Reserve Your Space Now![/su_button]


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