Victorians truly loved all things macabre and otherworldly. Starting in the 1850s and beyond, séances became all the rage. These supernatural sessions allowed a “Medium” to speak to the dead and call upon spirits to answer questions for those in attendance. Spirits often entered the room as ethereal layers of mist to those who waited with bated breath.
Missus Mooney’s Victorian Séance takes you back to the days when table-turning, ghostly voices, and apparitions channelled themselves through the “Medium”. This interactive evening will leave your guests with a sense of wonderment and awe.
Séance conjures up the very essence of Victorian’s love of spirits. whether a spooky story or eerie séance, Missus Mooney brings the tantalizing experience to life before your very eyes. You may question everything you believe to be true once the Spirit itself takes to the room and your senses leave you!
VICTIMS OF JACK THE RIPPER Séance – guaranteed to terrify and thrill all who attend!

Expect the unexpected during this very special séance. The express intention is to communicate with the spirits of the poor victims of Jack the Ripper, the spirits of anyone who might have been alive at the time of the Whitechapel murders, or even the spirit of Jack the
Ripper, Saucy Jack, himself.
Contact Missus Mooney for availability and pricing.
NOTE: The calendar is often booked a year in advance for the months of September and October. To avoid disappointment, do not wait until the last minute to book an event.
*Séances are for entertainment purposes only.
All happenings that occur are theatrical in nature and meant to represent those presented in the Victorian era.