Up To Our Ankles in Antics

Mrs. Mooney & Michael Furey are happy to say we have made it through another season of Good Cheer, Wassailing A-Plenty and throwing the past year’s baby out with the bath water.. although seeing it was such a long year the baby was rather more like a shriveled old man by years end.  So with 2012 in its early inception we are happy to announce many NEW things are afoot. Our segment of Deals From the Dark Side is scheduled to be on January 24th as well we are appearing on another program You Gotta Eat Here sometime in the early part of this year as well. We are ironing out our pitch for a new history based show Cemetery Stories which has the promising possibly of being picked up and our Historic Hamilton Walking Tours will return in mid April.

We will also be involved in the 200th year celebration of the War of 1812.. which in truthfulness seems a bit odd to me, as who celebrates WAR? but i suppose it’s our triumph over the often mislead and misinformed Americans (who still think they won) that makes it so vitally important to this side of Canada. I’m sure out in British Columbia they are all scratching their heads and wondering what the big deal is.

We are also excited to announce our participation in the Canadian Haunted Attractions Conference to be held in our dear city of Hamilton. Mrs. M can’t yet devulge what will occur via her presence as yet, but…once the details have been hashed about, all will come out in the wash, so to speak.

Once again, thank you to all our lovely friends out there who support us endlessly and may you all enjoy a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and a prosperous and healthy one as well.

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