Look Into My Crystal Ball: The Art of Scrying
Join Seika at The Mystic Tearoom (Hamilton, ON) Wed. 21 Nov., 2018, for an intensive workshop on the art of Scrying.
Scrying or Gazing has been used for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. Practice of the art allows one to focus into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, water or a mirror to gain mystical insight. Most everyone is familiar with the image of the Gypsy Fortune Teller gazing into her crystal ball and divining the future thus invoking the belief that the ball itself has magical powers.
This workshop is designed to teach anyone who has an interest in this ancient divination form that with the right direction and guidance you may also learn the Secrets of Scrying and yourself.
This 4 hr intensive workshop is split into 2 parts:
Part One will cover the History & Mystery of Scrying, it’s origins and how it has continued to peak interest over the millennium. It will also teach the various types of tools for scrying – Water, Mirrors and most common the Crystal Ball. You will also learn how to chose the right scrying tool for your energies.
Part Two will cover the fundamentals of learning to use your tool of choice for divination, preparing your space, and yourself. Also what to expect during and after gazing and most importantly tips on how to use what you chose as a divination tool effectively.
The workshop will cover Crystal Balls first and foremost – Mirrors and Water will also be covered but will not be the tool of choice during this workshop.
You are encouraged to bring your own ball to the workshop. It should be larger than 3” in diameter to work effectively and made of Quartz Crystal. Other crystals effective for scrying are Beryl, Tiger’s Eye, Moonstone, Sunstone, Opal, Labradorite, Agate, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz and Amethyst as well as Obsidian. Flat slices of these stones can also be effective divination tools but need to be at least 5” x 4” to work. If you do not own a Crystal Ball there will be some available for purchase before the workshop begins.
Reservations are $75 and limited to 10 people. Wed. Nov. 21, 6pm – 10pm. Contact Amy through SMS 905-865-2711, call 289-396-0158 or through the Facebook Event page.
The Mystic Tearoom is located at 116 Ottawa Street North, Hamilton, ON (MAP) – plenty of free parking nearby.